miniclave drive

Laboratory pressure reactor system
Reactor volume: 100 – 300 ml
Pressure: -1 to +60 bar
Temperature: -20 °C to +250 °C
Material: Stainless steel, Hastelloy
This multipurpose pressure reactor system is designed for the use of interchangeable steel pressure vessels. Safety features guarantee safe reactions under pressure.
The steel reactors ensure high resistance against acids, while allowing high pressure reactions. The magnetic drive ensures efficient mixing and stirring of the process media as well as excellent heat transfer.
The Fast Action Closure makes changing vessels quick and easy without the use of tools.
The modular setup of the miniclave drive system allows changing or upgrading for new tasks at any time.
A wide range of accessories is available – talk to us to define the right setup for your specific need.
Standard package
- Stand with height adjustable clamp
- Stainless steel / Hastelloy pressure vessel with suitable stirrer shaft, stirrer, Pt-100
- Safety Fast Action Closure
- Cover plate with 6 openings and standard setup:
- Swagelok fittings with bursting disc, manometer and 2 valves
- Stirrer drive «cyclone 075» with integrated high torque magnetic coupling, incl. controller «cc075»
- Tools and spare parts
Standard Options
- Electric heating / water cooling
- Measure and control systems
- Wide range of accessories
- Hydrogenation reactor
- Polymerization reactor
- Synthesis reactor
- Catalyst testing / evaluation
- Catalytic reactor
- Crystallization
- Chemical research
- Petrochemical research
- Corrosion measurement
- Upstream research
- Biomass research
- Biopolymer research
- Biorefinery research
- Biofuels research
- Zeolite synthesis
- Nanoparticle synthesis
- Corrosion testing autoclave