Organometallic Hydroxides & Oxides

Organometallic Hydroxides & Oxides
Organometallic hydroxides contain a hydroxyl group attached to one or more metal atoms of organometallic compounds. The preparation of soluble organometallic hydroxides is a key step in the preparation of organometallic oxides containing the heterobimetallic M-O-M’ unit. For a comprehensive review of transition-meal based organometallic hydroxides, see: Roesky, H. W.; Singh, S.; Yusuff, K. K. M.; Maguire, J. A.; Hosmane, N. S. Organometallic Hydroxides of Transition Elements. Chem. Rev. 2006, 106, 3813-3843. Owing to the tendency of the OH moiety to act as a bridging group, many of them are dimeric, although trimers and tetramers are reported.