Pentafluorothio Compounds

Pentafluorothio Compounds
Pentafluorothio compounds, as the name indicates, are a class of organic compounds bearing ûSF5 groups. The -SF5 group with a highly polarizable carbon-sulfur bond is strongly electron-withdrawing owing to five fluorine atoms on sulfur. Unsaturated pentafluorothio compounds, like vinyl sulfur pentafluoride, find utility as monomers and copolymerize with ethene or vinyl chloride resulting in flexible and more transparent polymers than normal polythene. Generally polymers containing -SF5 group are both thermally and chemically stable. Pentafluorothio groups survive drastic reagents like a strong alkali (KOH), and a strong oxidizing agent (like ClOSO2F).
Pentafluorothio compounds have generated considerable interests in the field of liquid crystals. Pentafluorothio compounds are usually crystalline with lower melting point and have a very strong dipole attributable to the SF5 group. In the field of pharmaceuticals, they find utility as cannabinoid receptor ligands, antineoplastic agents, and serotonin analogues.