(Thio)Carboxylic Acids

(Thio)Carboxylic Acids
Carboxylic acids are any class of organic compounds that contain a carboxyl group [-C(=O)OH]. They are proton donors and form the common type of organic acids. They widely occur in nature and include amino acids, oils or fats derived from plants or animals. They are efficient partners in a variety of chemical reactions (Schmidt reaction, Hunsdiecker reaction, Dakin-West reaction, Arndt-Eistert synthesis, etc.) and are routinely employed in organic synthesis. Carboxylic acids have diverse applications including, but not limited to, the production of polymers, food additives, and pharmaceuticals. Acrylic acid and methacrylic acids are well known precursors of polymers. Terephthalic acid, adipic acid and maleic acid are used extensively in the polymer industry. Acetic acid is a component of vinegar, citric acid has applications in beverages, while propionic acid is a preservative.